Hi, my name
is Farrel
I'm a Software Engineer from Jakarta, Indonesia.
About Me
I am an Information System Student from the University of Indonesia with a passion for software engineering and cloud computing. I have experience developing microservices and monolith-based applications from my past internships and projects.
My Experience
Back End Engineer Intern
Aug 2023 - Feb 2024
- Developed lender registration, login, and verification by risk and compliance team feature using Spring Boot, MongoDB, and RabbitMQ to address authority (OJK) requirements
- Integrate internal service with API from Privy, a digital identity and signature provider, allowing lenders to sign multiple documents automatically when accepting loan applications
- Developed a notification centre for the whole loan submission and disbursement flow using Firebase Cloud Messaging to address authority (OJK) requirements
- Developed a user location tracker feature for our Android applications, allowing the Data Science team to analyze the data and create a model for fraud detection
- Implements unit tests, custom exceptions, swagger, and logging automation to enhance the development experience
Software Developer
Feb 2023 - Jul 2023
- Developed a seminar marketplace, MEDIS, using Spring Boot and deploying it using Docker on Compute Engine in Google Cloud Platform with a team of 5 people
- Responsible for embedding Zoom Application on the website using Zoom Meeting SDK, allowing users to join Zoom meetings directly on our website
- Responsible for integrating the application into Zoom Meeting API, allowing users to create and update Zoom Meetings through our website
- Responsible for integrating the application into Payment Gateway Midtrans, allowing users to make transactions on our website
- Responsible for storing and serving the seminar videos on Google Cloud Storage
Cloud Computing Cohort
Feb 2023 - Jul 2023
- Learned how to manage various resources on the Google Cloud Platform, including Computing, Storage, Networking, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning
- Learned how to configure, manage, and deploy containerized applications to Google Kubernetes Engine
- Learned how to automate infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform with Terraform
- Learned how to develop and deploy backend applications using Node.js
- Learned business presentation and professional English
Stuff I've built
Category 3
Sept 26, 2022
An open-source project of an adaptive video streaming application utilizing QUIC
Category 1
Sept 12, 2022
A webinar marketplace for Doctors and medical staff in Indonesia
Category 2
Aug 30, 2022
DevOps End to End
TODO: end to end devops project, from deploying kubernetes, cicd, monitoring
Other Projects
Software Engineering / Cloud & DevOps / CyberSec & Networking
Simple implementation of Redis made from scratch using Go
Simple implementation of HTTP Server made from scratch using Go
A simple implementation of SQLite made from scratch using go
An application for detecting diseases in plants
Network Topology
Designed a Network Topology for an Independent Laboratory Company
Portofolio Website
Developed this portofolio website using WebFlow
Exam Certification Passed
Software Engineering / Cloud & DevOps / CyberSec & Networking
Category 1
Dec 3, 2023
Associate Cloud Engineer
Passed the Associate Cloud Engineer Exam from Google Cloud
Category 1
03 Mar, 2024
Problem Solving (Intermediate)
Passed the Problem Solving Intermediate Exam from Hackerrank
Category 3
03 Mar, 2024
Problem Solving (Basic)
Passed the Problem Solving Basic Exam from Hackerrank
Category 1
11 Mar, 2024
Java (Basic)
Passed the Java Basic Exam from Hackerrank
Course Completed
Software Engineering / Cloud & DevOps / CyberSec & Networking
22 Courses
Sept 12, 2022
Google Cloud Skill Boost
Completed courses and lab challenges about Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, and Terraform
3 Courses
Sept 12, 2022
Completed courses about Computer Networking, System Administration, and Machine Learning
7 Courses
Aug 30, 2022
Completed courses about Back End Engineering, Cloud Engineering, and Programming Languages
1 Course
Aug 08, 2022
Completed a course about backend communication design patterns, protocols, execution and proxying
6 Courses
Aug 08, 2022
AWS Skill Builder
Completed a course about aws aws aws aws aws aws aws aws aws aws aws aws aws aws
1 Course
Aug 08, 2022
Cisco Networking Academy
Completed a course about cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco
1 Course
Aug 08, 2022
Completed a course about tryhackme tryhackme tryhackme tryhackme tryhackme tryhackme
Books Recommendation
Some books that I've read or currently reading
Category 1
Sept 26, 2022
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rutrum porta enim et pellentesque.
Category 3
Sept 12, 2022
The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rutrum porta enim et pellentesque.
Category 3
Sept 12, 2022
Understanding Distributed Systems
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rutrum porta enim et pellentesque.